10 red flags that could lead to a CRA audit
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Audits can stem from things you do — or don't do — when filing your tax return Author of the article:
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Long after this year’s tax season ends, the dreaded words CRA audit mean a headache is on the way for many Canadian taxpayers.
Typically, the tax agency will send out about 30,000 letters a year letting Canadians know they’re being audited. While that’s just a fraction of the 27.5 million taxpayers out there, you may still be sweating over what to do if you are one of the lucky few.
Article Courtesy:- https://financialpost.com/moneywise/10-red-flags-that-could-lead-to-a-cra-audit/wcm/4e8636e7-8a39-4542-a324-5525f26e3d17/amp/