Clark, Robinson CPAs Office Hours
Stat Holiday - Victoria Day
Clark Robinson CPA's will be closed on Monday, May 24, 2021 for Victoria Day holiday.
Tax Time Treats
Just a small sample of the incredible tax season themed cookies Clark, Robinson staff were treated to on April 30th! The attention to detail on the creations by Belle Meade Bakery was amazing and the cookies were the talk of the office! Thank you to Nadia for arranging this special surprise for staff and to Belle Meade Bakery - the cookies were delicious!
April office hours
April office hours update.
10 red flags that could lead to a CRA audit
eamesBot / Shutterstock
Audits can stem from things you do — or don't do — when filing your tax return Author of the article:
Our office will be closed
Our office will be closed Monday, February 15th for Family Day. Thank you.
Kyle, David and Theresa are excited to display the Christmas hamper donation items for this year's Clark, Robinson Adopt-A-Family
Kyle, David and Theresa are excited to display the Christmas hamper donation items for this year's Clark, Robinson Adopt-A-Family! We could not be more proud of the generosity and support our Clark, Robinson team showed to ensure some holiday cheer was delivered to a household in the Vernon area. Lastly, thank you to the Okanagan Boys and Girls Club for organizing and helping connect us with our family.
Some ugly sweater fun at the office. Congrats to winners David, for ugliest creation, and Nadia, for being the most festive!
Holiday Hours
The partners and staff at Clark, Robinson Chartered Professional Accountants would like to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and all the best for a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Amanda Roberts
Our staff member, Amanda Roberts, is one of three recipients of this year's Okanagan College President's Award!
In light of the COVID-19 situation, our office is taking proactive measures to ensure the health and safety of our clients, staff and family members
There has been an increase in "spoofing" in the area. "Spoofing" is when the caller ID or call display is manipulated to show trusted phone numbers, thus tricking you into believing you are speaking with someone from a trusted source.
Our office will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th for Remembrance Day.
Our office will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th for Remembrance Day.
Some Halloween fun at the office
happy to be retiring! Happy retirement Arne - we will miss you and wish you all the best!
Our office will be closed Monday, October 12th.
Our office will be closed Monday, October 12th.
Our office will be closed Monday, September 7th for Labour Day.
Our office will be closed Monday, September 7th for Labour Day.
Our office will be closed Monday, August 3rd for B.C. Day.
Clark, Robinson CPA's will be closed Monday, August 3rd for B.C. Day.
Ryan P. Mackiewich
Clark, Robinson CPA's Office Hours